03 Chikashi Union Parishad Office
Upazila: Dhunat District: Bogra.
Minutes of the meeting of Chikashi Union Parishad
Venue: Chikashi Union Parishad Office. Date: 20/03/2022 Time: Morning: 11.00 hrs
President: Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain (Jewel) UP Chairman
Names of the members present:
Serial No. Name Designation াক্ষ ^ Letters
1 Md. Zakir Hossain (Jewel) UP Chairman
2 Rajatara Khatun UP Member-1,2,3 ,,
Delete 3: Piara Khatun UP Member-4,5,6 ,,
4 Deleted: Shahana Akhtar UP Member - 6,7,9 ,,
5 Md. Saheb Ali UP Member-1 ,,
Md. Liton Mia UP Member-2 ,,
৭ Md. Selim Reza UP Member-3 ,,
৮ Md. Joynal Abedin UP Member-4 ,,
9 Md. Fatik Sarkar UP Member-5 ,,
10 Md. Nur Alam UP Member-6 ,,
11 Md. Monwar Hossain UP Member-6 ,,
12 Md. Mokhlesur Rahman UP Member-6 ,,
13 Md. Dablu Pramanik UP Member-9 ,,
Today's meeting was presided over by Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain (Jewel) UP Chairman.
01. Topic:
In the context of approval at the end of the lessons of the last session.
Discussions and decisions
As no amendment was added at the end of the lesson in the proceedings meeting of the last session, it was unanimously approved.
2. Topic:
Upazila Raj: গ্রহণ Funding / Sector and Annual Development Program (ADP) taka project acceptance and formation of project implementation committee and acceptance of projects to be implemented through tender.
Discussion and decision 7
Regarding the discussion No. 02, the Honorable Chairman and President informed the meeting that in the financial year 2021-2022, the Raj: / Fund / Sector and Annual Development Program in the ADP sector at PIC = 1,15,000 / - (One Lakh Fifteen Thousand) respectively. O Tender = 2,72,000 / - (two lakh eighty thousand) rupees and PIC = 2,00,000 / - (two lakh) and Tender = 5,00,000 / - (five lakh) Gone. I am proposing to take up projects which are used for the welfare of the most important people of the Union and to form a project implementation committee. After discussing the proposal of the President in detail, the project adoption and project implementation committee was unanimously formed
Rajah ^ Fund / Sector:
Name of the project 6
1. Renovation of the road from the west side of Jorshimul Eidgah ground to Jorshimul Jame Mosque.
Allocation: Rs. 1,15,000 / - (PIC)
Project Implementation Committee:
Project Implementation Committee
No. Members Name Identity Title Comments
01 Rajatara Khatun UP Member President
02 Md. Liton Mia UP Member Secretary
03 ,, Rajib Uddin teacher member
04 ,, Ruhul Amin Social Worker (Male) Member
05 Delete: Ambia Khatun Social Worker (Female) Member
ADP Fund / Sector:
Name of the project 6
1. Distribution / supply of tube wells for the purpose of providing pure water among different families in different wards of Chikashi Union.
Allocation: Rs. 2,00,000 / - (PIC)
Project Implementation Committee:
Project Implementation Committee
No. Members Name Identity Title Comments
01 Md. Zakir Hossain (Jewel) UP Chairman President
02 Rajatara Khatun UP Member Secretary
03 Md. Shahidul Islam Teacher Member
04 ,, Ruhul Amin Social Worker (Male) Member
05 Delete: Shyamoli Khatun Social Worker (Female) Member
The project was accepted by the Upazila Engineering Office by inviting tenders.
Name of tender project:
Serial No. Allocation of project name and location sector
(1) Distribution of spray machines among the farmers of different wards of Chikashi Union. Raj: ^ 2,62,000 / -
(2) Carrying out HBB ((EEE) on the road from Chorsapcha Khorshed Sarkar's house from Jorshimul Habizar Fakir's house. ADP 500,000 / -.
Since there was no other discussion, the President thanked everyone and announced the end of the meeting.
Thank you President
^ ঃ Unclear
Tang-20/03/2022 Eng
Upazila chairman
Dhunat, Bogra.
Subject: In the fiscal year 2021-2022, the names of the projects under the allocation of Raj: ^ Fund / Sector and ADP.
Sending list.
In the light of the above, the list of projects under the allocation of Raj: এবং Fund and ADP for the financial year 2021-2022 of Chikashi Union No. 03 has been sent to you for your kind information and necessary action.
Attachment: 1. Resolution ......... page
2. Project list ............. page.
Chairman's letter and seal
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS