Scheme Information Board
03 Chikashi Union Parishad
Dhunat, Bogra.
Sr. No. Project Name Allocated Sector Project Type Financial Year Implementation
Construction of Bangabandhu Bridge with Angle and Wood on the small Chikashi Manas river in Ward 01 01. 5,6,848 / = LGSP-3 BBG (1st installment) Communication 2019/2020 Ongoing
Installation of street solar lights at various road junctions in Chikashi UP, 02-03. 2,00,000 / = LGSP-3 BBG (1st Installment) Human Resource Development 2019/2020 Ongoing
Distribution of Surgical Mask, Hand Washing Soap and Bleaching Powder Bags as Special Cleaning Scheme among different families of Chikashi UP No. 03. 45,000 / - LGSP-3 BBG (2nd installment) ¯ াস্থ Health 2019/2020 2020/2021
H.B.B. 3,25,64 / - LGSP-3 BBG (2nd Installment) Contact 2019/2020 2020/2021
Establishment of hygienic latrines among various poor and helpless families in ward 05 05. 2,00,000 / -
LGSP-3 BBG (2nd installment) াস্থ Health running 2019/2020
Placing of placing on the east side of the road in front of Tuku's house in ward no. 2,00,000 / -
LGSP-3 BBG (2nd installment) communication 2019/2020 running
Casting CC (8) from the paved road of Mukul's house in Ward No. 08 to the road towards Banshtala Eidgah field. 2,00,000 / -
LGSP-3 BBG (2nd installment) Contact 2019/2020 2020/2021
Construction of open stage / seating area for people to rest in different places of Chikashi UP No. 06 03. 2,15,000 / -
LGSP-3 BBG (2nd installment) Agriculture & Market 2019/2020 2020/2021
Distribution of furniture to community clinics and various institutions of Chikashi Union No. 09 03. 2,19,050 / - PBG ^ াস্থ Health 2019/2020 2020/2021
Establishment of tube wells to supply pure water to various poor and helpless families of Chikashi Union No. 10 03. 3,00,000 / - PBG Pure Water Supply 2019/2020 2020/2021
11 Construction of road through Paralkshipur mortuary. 5.50 MT (Kabikha-General) 1st Phase (Development Sector) Communication 2019/2020 2019/2020
Installation of solar panels in the houses of different people of Chikashi UP No. 12 03. 1,6,000 / - Kabikha - 1st Phase (Solar Sector) Human Resource Development 2019/2020 2019/2020
13 Renovation of Islamic library in Jhenai Jame Mosque and construction of gate of Chhotachapra Madrasa. 75,000 / = (TR-General) 1st Phase
(Development Sector) Institution Development 2019/2020 2019/2020
14 Chikashi Dudur filled the road with soil on both sides of the road. 60,000 / = (TR-General) 1st Phase
(Development Sector) Communication 2019/2020 2019/2020
Installation of solar panels in the houses of various people of 15 03 Chikashi UP. 1,16,000 / = TR - 1st stage
(Solar Sector) Human Resource Development 2019/2020 2019/2020
Road repair from 18 Chikashi Masud's house to Bablu's pond. 5.50 MT (Kabikha-General) 2nd Phase (Development Sector) Communication 2019/2020 2019/2020
Installation of solar panels in the houses of different people of Chikashi UP No. 18 03. 1,6,000 / = Kabikha - 2nd Phase (Solar Sector) Human Resource Development 2019/2020 2019/2020
17 Repair of road from Jorshimul Ershad's house to Sharif's house. 45,000 / = (TR-General)
2nd stage
(Development Sector) Communication 2019/2020 2019/2020
19 Renovation of hospital and Islamic library in Chhotachapara Jame Mosque. 45,000 / = (TR-General)
2nd stage
(Development Sector) Institution Development 2019/2020 2019/2020
20 Sonargaon Madhyapara Eidgah ground renovation. 45,000 / = (TR-General)
2nd stage
(Development Sector) Institution Development 2019/2020 2019/2020
Installation of solar panels in the homes and establishments of different people of Chikashi UP No. 2103. 1,16,000 / = TR-2 stage
(Solar Sector) Human Resource Development 2019/2020 2019/2020
22 Repair of road from Khatiamari paved road to Solaiman professor's house and repair of road from Bhalukatala school to Gulartair. 1,6,000 / = EGPP-1st Phase Contact 2019/2020 2019/2020
23 Repair of road from Chhonpacha paved road to Hatiyarpara Kanoch. 1,6,000 / = EGPP-1st Phase Contact 2019/2020 2019/2020
Jungle clearing from 24 Chikashi paved road to Bara Chapra Community Clinic and road repair from Jhenai Bazar to Parlakshipur. 2,64,000 / = EGPP-1st Phase Contact 2019/2020 2019/2020
25 Repair of road from Chikashi Mithu's house to Nazrul Hajir. Placing placing on the west side of Chikashi Union Parishad. 1,46,000 / = EGPP-1st Phase Contact 2019/2020 2019/2020
Road repairs from Gazaria Golap Maker's house to Chhota Chikashi Bablu Sarkar's house RCC double placing in front of Gazaria Mosque and road repair from Mohanpur Aminur Khandaker's house to Sonar Gaon paved road Fill the Sonarga cemetery with soil. 4,50,000 / = EGPP-1st Phase Contact 2019/2020 2019/2020
26 RCC double placing in front of Gazaria Mosque. 52,480 / - Nonways Contact 2019/2020 2019/2020
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS